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After Dark
After Dark

In "After Dark" by Haruki Murakami, the city of Tokyo becomes a surreal stage where the boundaries of time and reality blur. The story unfolds during the late-night hours, following various interconnected characters as they navigate the mysterious and shadowy world that emerges after dark. The narrative centers around Mari, a young woman who finds herself awake and unable to sleep in a Denny's restaurant. As the night progresses, she encounters a range of intriguing individuals, including a trombone-playing student, a love hotel manager, and a mysterious woman named Eri. Through their experiences and interactions, Murakami delves into themes of loneliness, isolation, and the complexities of human connection. With his signature blend of magical realism and introspection, "After Dark" offers readers an atmospheric and introspective exploration of the hidden depths that come alive in the late-night hours.

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